15 Most Common Passwords in 2024 – Stay Away From These!

most common passwords 2022

This guide discusses the Most Common Passwords used by Internet users worldwide.

Following our recent article about passwords leaked on the Dark Web, we have received encouraging feedback from our subscribers and TROYPOINT Insider members, prompting us to create more content on password security.

Most Common Passwords Leaked on Dark Web

After conducting further research on password security, we came across an annual study from NordPass, providing detailed insights into the most common passwords used by Internet users.

most common passwords

This research identifies the 200 most common passwords, their frequency of use, susceptibility to hacking, countries most at risk, and more.

Below is the complete list of the most common passwords. Have you ever used any of these before?

Feel free to leave a comment below this post!

These commonly used passwords are frequently exposed by hackers, website administrators, app developers, and other entities involved in selling this valuable information.

These common passwords are often leaked on the dark web by hackers, website operators, app developers, and other groups who sell this valuable information.

Whether it’s financial data, social media accounts, streaming apps, emails, or other online services, you probably have more passwords in use than you realize.

According to the NordPass report, the average Internet user has approximately 100 passwords saved online.

It also reveals that common passwords often consist of people’s names, favorite bands, sports teams, cars, and even profanities.

Most Common Passwords in 2022

The report on the fifteen most common passwords used in 2022 includes:

  • 123456 – Over 103 million uses
  • 123456789 – Over 46 million uses
  • 12345 – Over 32 million uses
  • qwerty – Over 22 million uses
  • password – Over 20 million uses
  • 12345678 – Over 14.7 million uses
  • 111111 – Over 13.3 million uses
  • 123123 – Over 10.2 million uses
  • 1234567890 – Over 9.6 million uses
  • 1234567 – Over 9.3 million uses
  • qwerty123 – Over 8.9 million uses
  • 000000 – Over 8.3 million uses
  • 1q2w3e – Over 8.2 million uses
  • aa12345678 – Over 8 million uses
  • abc123 – Over 7.1 million uses

You can find the complete password list from NordPass in the linked PDF below.

Most Common Passwords List – NordPass

If you have used any of these passwords previously, it’s highly probable that some of your online account information is compromised.

If you are currently using any of these common passwords, it’s advisable to update them now!

The NordPass study also provides an interactive graph illustrating the most password leaks per capita.

Image Source: NordPass

Most password leaks occur in countries such as Russia, the United States, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Italy, and others.

Previously, we reported on a case where a group was selling numerous streaming service passwords obtained through illicit computer intrusion methods.

Website Operator Charged with Stealing Passwords

When updating passwords, it’s advisable to use longer combinations, unique characters, avoid password reuse across multiple accounts, and employ a password manager.

most common passwords 2022 nordpass

NordPass stands out as a popular and secure password manager for storing passwords, creating unique passwords, and more.

This reputable service is operated byNordVPN is recommended by PCMag, TechRadar, Forbes, and others. They also offer a 30-day free trial.

NordPass is one of the most popular and secure password managers for saving passwords, generating unique passwords, and more.

See our full NordPass review below for more information on this password manager.

NordPass Review

NordPass Free Trial

How to Create Strong Passwords

Now that you know which common passwords not to use for your online accounts, it’s essential to ensure you create strong passwords that are hard to crack.

One of the best ways to create strong passwords is by using a password generator tool from a trusted source.

One of the best features of using NordPass is its strong Password Generator tool.

how to create strong passwords - password generator tool

This tool is completely free to use because NordPass offers a 30-day free trial.

All you have to do is sign up for a free trial and install the NordPass application on your device.

NordPass Free Trial

In addition to the NordPass Password Generator, another useful resource to check out is Have I Been Pwned?

have i been pwned

This website is free to use, and it will inform you if your passwords have been leaked in data breaches.

have i been pwned most common passwords

While changing password combinations will only provide so much protection in the evolving digital world, various tools can aid in enhancing our online security.

This includes anonymous email addresses, being cautious of phishing scams, utilizing two-factor authentication, backing up data, avoiding unsecured public Wi-Fi networks, and installing a VPN on internet-connected devices.

most common passwords vpn

What do you think of this most common password list from NordPass?

Leave a Comment Below!

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Most Common Passwords FAQ

What are the Most Common Passwords in 2022?

The most common passwords in 2022 include 123456, 123456789, 12345, qwerty, password, and others found in this list.

Where do Most Password Leaks Happen?

According to research from NordPass, it’s found that most password leaks happen in Russia, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and others.

How do You Create Strong Passwords?

You can create strong passwords using password generator tools like NordPass. It’s also recommended to avoid using repeating passwords for multiple online services/accounts.

Can You Check if Your Passwords Have Been Leaked?

Yes, you can check if your passwords have been leaked using free tools like Have I Been Pwned.

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