MPA Appoints New Senior VP to Ramp Up Anti-Piracy Efforts

The Motion Pictures Association (MPA) has appointed a new Senior VP named Jesse Martin to strengthen global anti-piracy efforts. Martin, previously a senior attorney at The Software Alliance (BSA), brings a wealth of expertise to his role focusing on combating piracy through outreach and voluntary initiatives. He now serves as the MPA’s Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Content Protection and Legal Affairs for Intermediary Programs.

Jesse’s significant experience in compliance from the enterprise software industry positions him well for this challenge. His primary goal is to disrupt piracy by targeting intermediaries like video players, domain name registries, hosting providers, and more. Working with these entities, he aims to introduce voluntary initiatives to prevent their services from being exploited by piracy operators, which is considered a delicate balancing act.

The MPA’s strategy involves engaging intermediaries in voluntary measures against piracy. In cases of non-cooperation, Martin is prepared to escalate efforts, potentially involving legal action. This dual approach encourages participation while highlighting the consequences of non-cooperation.

Collaborating with the MPA’s content protection team and the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, Martin will develop a comprehensive global strategy. This includes monitoring new intermediaries, negotiating agreements, and staying ahead of digital piracy trends.

Jesse Martin’s appointment follows the departure of Jan van Voorn, the former Chief of Global Content Protection at the MPA. His role signals a shift towards a structured and intermediary-focused strategy in anti-piracy efforts. With ongoing recruitment for key positions like Vice President, Content Protection Enforcement, the MPA continues to strengthen its anti-piracy team.

In broadening its focus beyond suppliers of illicit content, the MPA’s emphasis on site-blocking and targeting users of illicit software signals a potential new direction. By ensuring intermediaries proactively prevent misuse of their services, the MPA aims to create a more challenging environment for piracy operators. The actions against illicit websites, applications, or services are not unprecedented.

Jesse Martin’s appointment signifies a significant advancement in Hollywood’s global anti-piracy strategy. His approach emphasizes intermediary outreach and voluntary initiatives, reflecting a nuanced strategy against piracy. As the MPA further develops its strategy and team, the battle against digital piracy is expected to become more sophisticated and widespread.

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