StartMail Review – Best Private Email with Unlimited Anonymous Disposable Aliases

StartMail Review

StartMail provides a private email service with unlimited anonymous aliases and various features.

Popular free email providers like GMail, Yahoo! Mail, and others profit by selling users’ information to third parties and displaying ads based on email content.

If you use a free email service, you are essentially trading your privacy.

Over the past twelve years, I’ve utilized GMail for both personal and work purposes.

I’ve considered switching to a private email provider for some time but hesitated due to the challenges of migrating all my data and ensuring I made the correct choice considering the variety of private email services available.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact on Privacy

Recently, with the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology like Bard by Google and ChatGPT by OpenAI, I decided to transition to a private email service for my personal account.

Google Bard & ChatGPT

These AI tools are becoming increasingly powerful, with tech giants vying to develop the most advanced systems. As companies utilize these tools, our privacy and security are at greater risk as personal data is shared with AI platforms.

Government Surveillance Concerns

In addition to private companies, government surveillance is a significant issue. Government entities have access to data from free email services, raising concerns regardless of political affiliations.

Between 2013 and 2021, there were over 2 million data requests from government authorities to tech companies in the US and Europe, indicating a rise in surveillance activities.

government surveillance year by year

StartMail Review Process

After extensive trials and research, I opted for StartMail as my private email provider.

In my reviews, I highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the service, explaining why I chose StartMail.

Watch my video tutorial on migrating data to StartMail, utilizing anonymous aliases, and setting up the service on various devices.

Troy’s StartMail Video Tutorial & Overview of Features


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About StartMail

In 2006, Startpage’s team recognized the threat to privacy posed by data-hungry online services and launched Startpage, the world’s most private search engine. They expanded to private email, introducing StartMail in 2013.

About StartMail

StartMail champions the right to privacy, ensuring personal information is not harvested without consent and offering secure email communication to combat surveillance and targeted advertising.

StartMail has been developed with a strong focus on privacy since the beginning. It serves as an easy-to-use alternative to major Big Tech email services like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail, which may not be as reliable as one would hope.

Today, StartMail stands out as a comprehensive private email solution that prioritizes protecting your data, online activities, and overall privacy. It offers unique features such as highly secure data storage, the ability to create disposable alias email addresses, and an ownership model designed to resist unauthorized access. Additionally, its straightforward privacy policy and user-friendly one-click encryption have contributed to its rising popularity among privacy-conscious individuals.

What Makes StartMail Stand Out?

Below is a video that illustrates the reasons why individuals should consider using StartMail as their primary private email service.

Key Features of StartMail

  • Free 7-day trial
  • Simple migration process
  • Create endless anonymous disposable aliases
  • Email encryption capability
  • Emails can be password protected
  • Accessible across all devices
  • Top-notch encryption
  • New! 10GB 20GB storage capacity
  • Ability to manage multiple users through Group Subscriptions
  • Prompt, helpful customer support

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Below are specific features that I believe are important to highlight within the StartMail service.

Transitioning to StartMail from an Existing Email Provider

This was the part that I dreaded and the primary reason behind my hesitation to switch to a private email service years ago.

I can recall the time when I shifted from Outlook to Gmail. Finding a software solution to transfer my data to Gmail was a time-consuming process that took days to figure out. Thankfully, the same wasn’t true for StartMail.

StartMail has partnered with ShuttleCloud, a cloud-based data migration software, which made the switch effortless. By entering my existing Gmail login credentials, all my data from Gmail seamlessly transferred to StartMail without any hassles.

This included my entire email history, folders, and contacts – truly a seamless transition!

StartMail Migration

The seamless transition impressed me, making me regret not making the switch sooner.

Create Unlimited Disposable Email Aliases

One of the primary features I sought in a new private email service was the ability to create unlimited disposable email aliases.

I wanted the option to generate anonymous disposable email aliases to safeguard my identity when signing up for different services, marketing subscriptions, and more.

These email aliases shield our real address from spam and phishing attempts by creating an endless supply of disposable email addresses on demand. The versatility of this feature lies in the ability to generate an unlimited number of aliases for various purposes.

For many, the use of “burner email addresses” is common when registering for services or opt-ins that may lead to spam. These disposable email aliases can be viewed as akin to burner aliases.You can create burner email addresses whenever needed without leaving your main email system. This feature is your favorite one that StartMail offers. In StartMail, there are two types of disposable aliases: the Burner Alias and the Custom Alias.

Burner Alias

A Burner Alias is a temporary email address that disappears automatically after one hour, preventing spam. You can create one Burner Alias at a time, ideal for activities like downloading free guides or coupons online.


It’s essential to note that you can’t send emails from a Burner Alias, but you can reply to emails received within the hour it’s active. If you need to send emails from an alias, you can use a Custom Alias, as explained below.

Custom Alias

A Custom Alias enables you to create your email address with an expiration date of your choice, such as 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, or None.

Using aliases helps keep your real email address private and protected from spam or data breaches. The aliases also aid in inbox organization by filtering incoming emails into specific folders.

There are various ways to use Custom Aliases, and there’s no one right method. You can create a new Custom Alias for each site you register for or use a single Custom Alias across multiple registration sites.

To create a Custom Alias, follow simple steps, like naming the alias according to its purpose and setting the expiration duration. For instance, you can create an alias for an IPTV service registration like “[email protected]” without revealing personal details.

You have the flexibility to send and receive emails indefinitely from this new Custom Alias. If needed, you can delete the alias at any time through StartMail’s Aliases section.

StartMail’s filtering tool offers robust options to efficiently organize your emails. For instance, after creating a Custom Alias, you can set up filters to automatically sort emails sent to that address into designated folders.

Step 1 – Create a new folder to organize emails effectively.

Step 2 – Establish filters to streamline email management and enhance organization within your inbox.

Any emails directed to [email protected] will now automatically populate your designated “iptvregister” folder for easy access and management.

In the “Emails” Folder.

Works on Any Device

StartMail can be used on any device. There are two ways this can be done. They provide IMAP setup that integrates with most email apps and software. You can use StartMail with your favorite email client like AppleMail, Outlook, or Thurderbird. You can also add the StartMail shortcut to your phone/tablet and use the web version with all of the included tools that it comes with.

Most people prefer using the web interface for managing email as this doesn’t require a third party app. You can also take advantage of the powerful tools within the StartMail interface that you won’t get by importing your email into an outside application.

For those who do want to use email software to manage their email, it works just fine. I have tried using StartMail with the free Thunderbird Email Client on my Windows PC and it works great. StartMail will also work with Microsoft Outlook and anything else that’s compatible with IMAP.

IMAP Trusted Devices

This feature is HUGE! In order to set up a device with IMAP, you must first add it as a trusted device within StartMail. This means that if you ever lose one of your devices, simply remove it from your trusted devices list to prevent anyone from using it to access your email!

StartMail IMAP Trusted Device
Create IMAP Device

After clicking the Add device button, the following screen appears. It is important to point out that this information is only displayed once so you should either write down the details or take a screenshot of the IMAP configuration.

startmail imap configuration

StartMail Mobile Shortcut for Phones & Tablets

Once you log into StartMail on a phone or tablet, you should see an option below for adding StartMail to the Home screen. This isn’t necessarily an application but rather a shortcut to the mobile-optimized site for StartMail.

StartMail App for Mobile Phones & Tablets
Add StartMail to the Home Screen on Mobile Devices

One complaint that I have seen is that StartMail doesn’t offer an app for Android or iOS. My reply to this is that every phone and tablet comes with email software that can easily be set up with StartMail IMAP settings. Also, users can simply create a shortcut to their inbox on their phone or tablet if they don’t want to deal with a 3rd party app.

See my video tutorial where I go through all of this in detail.

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StartMail Email Encryption

Encryption is transforming data in such a way that it becomes unreadable by anyone who doesn’t have the key to decrypt this data. It converts the original message (“plaintext”) into a form called “ciphertext”, which is simply encrypted plaintext. Decryption converts the ciphertext back into plaintext so that it can be read. It helps ensure that the only people who can read your message are you and your intended recipient(s) – only them.

StartMail offers two different methods of encryption: the Password Protected Message method and the PGP Encryption Method.

Password Protected Messages

By default, you can encrypt the contents of your email using a Password Protection method. This encryption method should be used to send emails to recipients who do not use an email service that offers encryption (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, etc.).

This is the type of encryption that most people will use because it’s much easier than PGP Encryption. When you compose an email, there is an option to Sign with PGP keys or Encrypt with a password.

StartMail Password Encryption
Encrypt Emails

Once you click Send on the email, you are greeted with this popup. You must set a password that the recipient must use to open the email. You will want to deliver that password to the recipient by other means than email to make this secure obviously. A phone call or text message would be a good choice for delivering the password.

Send Encrypted Email

Set password for Encryption

PGP Encryption Method

For superior privacy and security, encrypt the contents of your email using PGP keys. To encrypt and decrypt an email message through PGP encryption, both the sender and recipient need their public key and a private key (key pair). It is recommended for sending emails to recipients with a StartMail email address or any service that supports encryption.

This process involves sender and recipient both having a PGP public key for encryption and decryption.

For example, if Anna wants to communicate with John using PGP encryption, they exchange public keys. Anna encrypts the email with John’s public key, and John decrypts it with his private key. The communication continues securely by encrypting replies with the recipient’s public key.

The use of PGP keys might be complex for many individuals to grasp.

StartMail offers PGP keys for each account, accessible in the Settings section under PGP keyring.

PGP Keyring in StartMail
My PGP Keys

Block Tracking, Spam, and Ads

Discover how StartMail safeguards your privacy.

European Roots

StartMail operates in the Netherlands, protecting your data under Dutch privacy laws and GDPR. Their servers are also located in the Netherlands.

No Ads & No Tracking

Your privacy is their main concern. No tracking of your email activity, no ads, and no data selling. You retain full control of your data at all times.

Block Tracking Pixels

They shield your privacy by preventing tracking pixels, commonly used for monitoring email activity. External images from senders are initially hidden, but you can opt to show images from trusted sources.

Malicious Link Protection

Benefit from their built-in protection against malicious links online. They warn you about external links, display the full URL for informed choices on whether to proceed.

Say Goodbye to Spam

Combat inbox clutter from spam with their personalized spam filter, which learns to identify and redirect new spam emails away. Enjoy a cleaner inbox organization.

Hidden IP Addresses

Email headers usually reveal your IP address when sent. StartMail conceals your IP address to prevent tracking.

World-Class Encryption

Witness StartMail’s commitment to security through its various encryption features.

PGP Encrypted Emails

Simplify email security with PGP encryption. With a single click, encrypt emails with PGP to allow only intended recipients to read them.

Password-Protected Email

Securely send encrypted emails worldwide. Even recipients without encryption support can receive and respond by setting a password for encrypted emails.

Verify Sent Email with PGP Signature

Do you want to verify email authenticity? Add a PGP signature to assure recipients of the genuine message.

End-to-End Encryption via IMAP

Configure your IMAP mail client to use end-to-end encryption with OpenPGP.

20GB of Storage

StartMail initially offered 10GB storage for crucial emails.

Starting May 11th, 2023, users now enjoy 20GB, doubling the storage capacity!

I use GMail for a decade with numerous stored emails, attachments, etc. Post migration, I only utilized 4GB. With large email volumes saved, having 14GB available suggests my usage differs from standard email users.

Fast, Friendly, and Effective Customer Support

StartMail values exceptional customer support. Unlike tech giants, they offer personalized support due to their smaller size.

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Exclusive 40% discount on both StartMail plans for TROYPOINT fans!

Personal Plan

Secure, private email at domain.

$5 $2.50 per month, billed annually

  • Free 7-day trial
  • Email address
  • 20GB email storage
  • Unlimited aliases under StartMail domain
  • Email access on any device
  • Easy contact & email import
  • Create extra accounts for family or team members

Save 50% on StartMail + 3 Free Months

Custom Domain Plan

Your domain + StartMail privacy. Ideal for personal or work emails with a custom domain. E.g., use [email protected].

$5.85 $2.95 per month, billed annually

  • Free 7-day trial
  • Email address with custom domain
  • 20GB email storage
  • Unlimited aliases under StartMail domain
  • Email access on any device
  • Easy contact & email import
  • Create extra accounts for family or team members

Accounts for employees and family members. Save 50% on StartMail + 3 Free Months with tips for migrating from a free email service. People often delay switching to a new email service due to the challenge of transferring everything. The StartMail migration tool imports all data from your existing provider, but what about future emails sent to your old service? Make a list of important services to update immediately with your new StartMail address, including banking, VPN services, Amazon Prime, utilities, and social media accounts. You can also inform your contacts about your new email address, explaining the switch to StartMail for privacy reasons and offering a discount on their subscription if they also switch. If your contacts upgrade to a paid subscription, you can participate in StartMail’s referral program by emailing [email protected] from your StartMail address with the new user’s StartMail email mentioned in the subject line.

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